FEBRUARY 2016 Check me out in my new speed suit and helmet. I raced yesterday and did my fastest 25km at Champion Lakes with an average speed of 38.4km/h and feel like there is more in the tank for sure. Happy days! The KICKR sessions are back in full effect

JANUARY 2016 Lets get all the disasters over and done with now please. As a coach I know better, and I was not at all prepared for this time trial. Error number one – having a glass of wine the night before! For some people I imagine this would be

DECEMBER 2015 The transformation from mountain biker and endurance athlete to time trialist has begun. I have had at least 1 session a week so far on the KICKR, these sessions are super focused and I have to be in the right head space to complete some of them. I

SEPTEMBER 2015 Let me start by saying this – I have been described as having a diesel engine, and I think this is true. My first endurance event was the Oxfam 100km trail walker which I was roped in to by my brother as a last minute stand in. We