The stronger cyclist in 12 weeks - strength training at home

Customized Strength Training Plans

Eliminate the guesswork from your strength training by entrusting it to a highly qualified expert who excels as a strength and conditioning coach, a triathlon coach, and a mountain bike coach. Sarah’s unique blend of expertise across these disciplines positions her at the forefront of sports-specific strength training. With over eight years of experience as both a qualified cycling coach and a strength and conditioning coach, she leverages her comprehensive knowledge to craft the most effective strength training programs available for cyclists.

The stronger cyclist in 12 weeks - strength training at home

12 weeks


Who is it for?

This program is designed as a beginner strength and conditioning program that you can do at home with minimal equipment.

It is designed for athletes that have never been in the gym (or done any strength training), or those that have, but haven't been there in over a year or so.

Its also a great program to have in your library if you travel a lot and want to have a well structured plan to follow with minimal equipment needed.

What do you need?

The minimal equipment is a set of dumbbells and a short loop light weight resistance mini band and long loop band (also light to moderate resistance).

What do you get?

The program is made up of 2 sessions per week.

Each session should take you about 40 minutes to complete.

Every 4 weeks these 2 sessions are changed. This is done for 2 reasons:

1. So you don’t get bored and 2. To enable continued progression and strength gains.

Every exercise has a demo video from me and unique teaching points enabling you to get the most of out every session.

This is NOT your run of the mill strength training program. This has been honed through 8+years of working in person with athletes like you in the gym.