No gym….no excuse.
A resistance band rated as small or x-small is all you need for these exercises, which will help to improve posture, core strength and glute activation. All of which we need in abundance when cycling…
The half kneeling face pull, this targets the rotator cuff muscles and helps to externally rotate the shoulders and aids better posture.
Complete 10 in total, switching legs half way through.
Banded pull throughs to target the glutes and hamstrings.
Complete 10-12 pull throughs.
Pallof press, this is an anti rotation exercise for the core.
Don’t put too much resistance on the band or it will turn into an upper body exercise, which it is not meant to be. You should feel it in your obliques.
Complete 10 on each side.
Isometric lunge with single arm row.
This is the contralateral version (meaning opposite arm to leg). The contralateral loading will place extra work on the core to stop you from twisting out of position. If this is too hard and you are struggling to maintain square hips and torso, the try the ipsilateral version first (same arm and leg).
Hold a static lunge position and complete 5 rows, stand up before repeating another 5 rows. Then swap legs.