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Glute training for cycling success Video – Part 2

Exercise number 2 of 4 in the build glute strength for cycling success series.
Banded dumbbell glute bridge

The band can be placed just above or just below the knee.

Place your feet flat on the ground hip width apart and close to your butt. The closer your feet are to your butt the more your glutes will work, the further away your feet are the more the hamstrings will get involved.

Drive through your heels to lift your butt off the ground, driving your hips high and contracting your glutes as hard as you can as you pause for 1-2 seconds at the top of the movement. Do not hyperextend your back at the top of this movement – you can avoid this by thinking about reducing the distance from your ribcage to your pelvis or drawing your belly button in.

Again, form is more important than speed, so do not rush this exercise.

I complete 15 reps, but adjust the reps according to your fitness level.

If you have never done this exercise before, then start with no band, progression from using the band will be to load the movement by placing a dumbbell on the hip crease. Using padding such as a towel or a folded up yoga mat under the dumbbell if this is too uncomfortable.