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Glute training for cycling success Video – Part 3

Exercise number 3 of 4 in the build glute strength for cycling success series.

Bent Leg reverse hypers
You can do this on a bench in the gym, if this isn’t available then any table which will support your weight will do!
Lie face down on the table or bench with your hip crease at the edge, so your legs are hanging off the end. Hold onto the sides of the table or the edge of the bench.
Bend your knees to approximately 90 degrees, and keep this angle during the entire exercise.
Brace your core, and squeeze your glutes as you raise both legs so that your thighs go no higher than parallel to the floor at the top of the movement. Your spine remains in a neutral position, allowing you to target your glutes rather than irritate your lower back.
If you do feel it in your lower back then your are more than likely raising your legs too high.
You may want to experiment with having your legs together or slightly apart, either is ok, just pick the position which you feel targets the glutes the most.
Do 10 reps of this, build up to 10 reps x 3 times as your get stronger.