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HIIT Cross Training for Cyclists

HIIT Cross Training for Cyclists

HIIT stands for High Intensity Interval Training. It has been in the fitness spotlight rather frequently in the past couple of years. Some studies have shown that HIIT type efforts can keep you fit by doing as little as six minutes exercise per week, I’m not going to debate this rather outrageous claim; however all athletes can benefit from some of the HIIT strategies.

Cross training makes you a well rounded athlete, and encourages your body to move in a wider range of movement than just cycling. Becoming a fit and strong cyclist is important, however the range of movement engaged in a pedal stroke is rather limited and does have drawbacks in the wider scope of overall fitness.

The one main disadvantage of cycling is that it is non load bearing. Load bearing activities such as running, circuit training and strength training help increase bone density, which otherwise decreases with age unless we do something about it.

Read the full article written for Bicycling Australia Magazine at